Gender-Inclusive Body Dysmorphic Disorder Treatment and Therapy

For over 10 years, Carolina House Eating Disorder Treatment Center has helped change the lives of individuals who are struggling with body dysmorphic disorder. Carolina House proudly serves people of all genders age 17 and older from across the country who are struggling with eating disorders and other co-occurring concerns.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Treatment

Learn more about body dysmorphic disorder treatment at Carolina House Eating Disorder Treatment Center in North Carolina

Someone who is afflicted with body dysmorphic disorder will struggle with an intense fixation on their own perceived flaws. The flaws that they fixate on are generally not there and/or not easily noticed by others. Body dysmorphic disorder often co-occurs alongside of an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, or compulsive overeating. With the eating disorder being the predominant condition in most cases, body dysmorphic disorder serves as a co-occurring condition that also requires treatment itself. Those who have an eating disorder and co-occurring body dysmorphic disorder can obtain professional that addresses the underlying causes of the eating disorder, all while determining how body dysmorphic disorder relates to that condition. This type of multifaceted treatment is critical for this condition, as allowing an eating disorder with co-occurring body dysmorphic disorder to continue can lead to problems in all areas of one’s life, including at home, at work, and within social circles. Thankfully, relief from this disorder can be found at professional treatment and rehab centers specializing in body dysmorphic disorder.

At Carolina House, located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide. we know that an eating disorder and a co-occurring condition like body dysmorphic disorder can be an emotionally painful experience. We also recognize that many people continue to live in pain when treatment and rehab at a professional center is not obtained. Therefore, we supply comprehensive treatment and rehab that includes evidence-based care that allows individuals to get the help they need to put a stop to both conditions. At Carolina House, we can help individuals pull their lives back together and live happily.

How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one get treatment for body dysmorphic disorder

When you have a loved one that is afflicted with an eating disorder and co-occurring body dysmorphic disorder, it can be incredibly painful to watch. When you are close to someone with this condition, it can be a daily challenge to watch them engage in the behaviors that perpetuate the cycle of this illness. You might feel as though you have done everything in your power to help your loved one. Despite feeling this way, it is critical that you understand that even when you are feeling the most defeated, you can still do things to help guide your loved one towards obtaining life-saving treatment.

To help you understand this situation more, spend some time gathering information on eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder. By doing this, you can obtain a wealth of knowledge that will help you through this difficult time. Additionally, you can begin to obtain insight into what your loved one is experiencing.

It is important to always be prepared if your loved one should come to your looking for help. You can ensure that you are ready to greet this event by researching treatment and rehab centers that care for individuals simultaneously battling eating disorder and body dysmorphic disorder. With your research completed, you can be ready to recommend specific treatment and rehab center that specializes in body dysmorphic disorder and get the ball rolling on your loved one’s treatment as quickly as possible.

Speak with your loved one about how you are feeling. Express your concerns using examples of their behaviors that have left you worried. Utilize a non-judgmental tone while having this conversation so that your loved one is not left feeling attacked.

Should your loved one agree to go to treatment and rehab at a center that specializes in body dysmorphic disorder, speak with the professionals at the treatment center to learn how you can be of the most support to them during your loved one’s recovery. Additionally, ask if there are any resources, such as family therapy, that you can engage in with your loved one at this time.

As soon as your loved one admits themselves into treatment and rehab at their chosen body dysmorphic disorder treatment center, do everything you can to remain a solid source of encouragement for them. Your loved one needs a tremendous support system during this time in their life.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for body dysmorphic disorder at Carolina House Eating Disorder Treatment Center in North Carolina

When any type of eating disorder goes untreated, a series of negative effects can begin to develop. For example, some eating disorders can cause muscle loss and weakness, osteoporosis, gastric ruptures, electrolyte imbalances, and high blood pressure, while others can cause pancreatitis, rupturing of the esophagus, and diabetes. No matter which eating disorder an individual is experiencing, the risk for death always remains, as these effects (plus others) can be fatal. When the co-occurring condition of body dysmorphic disorder is introduced into the picture, other significant consequences can emerge, ranging from social withdrawal and complete isolation to strained relationships and overwhelming feelings of embarrassment. In addition, someone with body dysmorphic disorder might turn to the abuse of substances, such as drugs or alcohol, to mask the upsetting emotions they are experiencing as a result of their condition. Despite the many negative aspects of having an eating disorder and co-occurring body dysmorphic disorder, there is help available. Professional treatment from a body dysmorphic disorder rehab center like Carolina House, located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide, can help individuals in this situation turn their lives around for the better.

Types of Treatment

Types of body dysmorphic disorder treatment offered at Carolina House Eating Disorder Treatment Center in North Carolina

Since 2006, Carolina House has been devoted to providing world-class, gender-inclusive residential treatment and rehab to individuals who are in need of comprehensive treatment to overcome the symptoms of eating disorders and co-occurring concerns, such as body dysmorphic disorder. Situated in a serene, wooded setting, Carolina House offers clients of any gender age 17 and older a tranquil environment that is fully conducive to true and lasting healing. We hold ourselves to a standard of excellence in the care we deliver so that anyone who engages in treatment and rehab at our center for body dysmorphic disorder with us can succeed in discovering a renewed life of wellness.

At Carolina House, located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide, we have made it our goal to provide a beautiful, safe, and nurturing environment that is run by highly trained and supportive staff. We use a structured, multifaceted treatment approach that is designed to usher clients successfully into life-long recovery. Our treatment and rehab approach at our center for body dysmorphic disorder also encourages self-exploration towards transformation through self-nurturing expressions of living. This goal and these treatment and rehab approaches are met by providing clients with individualized treatment plans that are catered to meet each of their very unique needs. Various aspects that may be incorporated into these treatment and rehab plans at our body dysmorphic disorder treatment center are described in the following:

Medical care: Clients who are battling an eating disorder often need consistent medical attention to address such concerns as re-feeding issues, complications from starvation, somatic complaints, electrolyte imbalances, and/or gastrointestinal distress. Carolina House provides 24-hour nursing care for all clients, as well as employs a contracted medical doctor, a psychiatrist, and a registered dietitian, all of whom are skilled in the treatment of eating disorders. These professionals are able to meet with clients to ensure that their recovery remains on a healthy track.

Re-Feeding: When treating an eating disorder, there is often the need for re-feeding interventions to be made in order to help get clients back on track with proper nutritional intake. At Carolina House, located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide, clients are closely involved with the registered dietitian, the culinary staff therapist, and the clinical and medical teams so that specialized meal plans can be devised. These meal plans are designed to adequately address the nutritional needs of each client during each stage of treatment. Meals are closely monitored by staff in order to provide the highest level of support as clients reach nutritional stabilization and decrease their participation in the rituals and behaviors that are symptomatic of their eating disorders.

Culinary program: All clients at Carolina House may take part in our culinary program, which offers them full kitchen access throughout their time spent in treatment and rehab at our center for anorexia nervosa. Setting us apart from other eating disorder programs throughout the country, participation in this program provides clients with the unique opportunity to experience meal planning, grocery shopping, meal preparation, and a family-style eating environment, all of which work toward building self-confidence as clients make their way through treatment. We also offer a vegetarian meal plan for those who wish to follow a plant-based diet.

Medication management: When individuals are battling symptoms of a co-occurring mental health condition such as body dysmorphic disorder, the use of certain medications may be recommended in order to help alleviate some of their distress. Clients at our body dysmorphic disorder treatment and rehab center have the opportunity to meet with a psychiatrist once or twice a week in order to determine the need for any medication, as well as to monitor the therapeutic effectiveness of any medication prescribed.

Individual therapy: Clients are provided with one full individual therapy session each week that typically lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. Additionally, clients will meet with their therapists for one brief check-in session each week, which usually lasts about 30 minutes. These sessions are designed to provide clients with an opportunity to meet in a private, confidential setting with their therapists so that they can discuss their progress in treatment, process through any setbacks that may have arisen, and celebrate any successes that have occurred while in treatment and rehab for body dysmorphic disorder at our center.

Family therapy: Recognizing how important family involvement can be in our clients’ successful recovery from anorexia, the staff at Carolina House, located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide, incorporates family therapy into our clients’ treatment plans. Family therapy sessions are offered on a weekly basis with a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, meeting for an average of 45 to 60 minutes for each session. If deemed appropriate and therapeutically beneficial to clients, additional family sessions may be added on an as needed basis.

Group therapy: When working to overcome an eating disorder, including anorexia, group therapy sessions have proven to be incredibly beneficial and effective. Clients typically participate in an average of six group therapy sessions each weekday, four group sessions on Saturdays, and two group sessions on Sundays. These group therapy sessions are typically broken down as follows:

  • Two Food and Feeling Groups take place every day. These are short, skills identification groups that occur after every lunch or dinner.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Groups take place three times per week and are facilitated by a licensed counselor who is specially trained in DBT.
  • Interpersonal Process Groups occur two times per week and are led by a licensed therapist and other qualified professionals who have been fully trained in the group modality.
  • Two Integrated Health Groups take place each week and are led by a licensed clinical specialist and are attended by all clients. Weekly offsite meetings are also made available to clients who need them.
  • A variety of other groups occur during the week as well, including both process and psychoeducational groups. The topics that are covered during these sessions vary but may include discussions on body image, media awareness, empowerment, nutrition, and guided self-care, among many others.

Experiential therapy: In order to offer clients a holistic approach to the treatment, Carolina House offers a number of experiential therapy options at our body dysmorphic disorder treatment and rehab center, in addition to the more traditional therapeutic interventions. Examples of these therapies include the following:

  • Walks
  • Strength training
  • Games
  • Body movement activities
  • Embodying Recovery (a sensorimotor psychotherapy group)
  • Culinary group
  • Art therapy
  • Yoga therapy

Receiving comprehensive treatment and rehab in a residential setting is enormously advantageous for those who are suffering from an eating disorder and co-occurring body dysmorphic disorder. However, at Carolina House, located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide, we recognize that completion of residential treatment and rehab at our center does not always mean that clients have finished achieving full recovery from their eating disorders. For this reason, we offer continuing care services through our partial day treatment program and our intensive outpatient program.

Additionally, keeping in mind that recovery is an ongoing process, the staff at Carolina House is dedicated to ensuring that clients have a definitive plan set in place prior to their being discharged. From the time of admission to our body dysmorphic disorder treatment and rehab center, clients’ primary therapists are assessing their outside resources and determining what services need to be in place in order to support a smooth discharge plan. Typically, the goal will be to step down to a lower level of care slowly so that clients can be fully prepared for increased independence.

If you or a loved one is suffering from an eating disorder and co-occurring body dysmorphic disorder, the staff at Carolina House wants to help. Located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide, our world-class programming at Carolina House can help you overcome the symptoms that plague you, while also assisting you as you develop the confidence needed to embark on a bright and promising future. Do not continue to suffer. Let the staff at Carolina House show you that there’s a better way to live.

Things were getting worse and worse before coming to Carolina House, but my now my life has never been better. I can't remember the last time I felt so happy and confident with myself. I couldn't have got here without them.

– a former client
Our Treatment Modalities